Thursday, June 30, 2011

Heat Wave

It's supposed to reach a blistering 90 degrees today. Oh my word even 90 degrees in Wyoming feels like heaven to me ( no humidity here.... gasp....). I can't help but wonder what would happen if someone from Gillette where to visit Ga right now? Probably the same thing as if I were to visit Wy during the dead of winter.... it wouldn't be good. It hit me today that about this time last summer I was in Haiti, where hot is an understatement. Don't get me wrong Haiti stole a piece of my heart, but oh my how hot it was. This summer I'm in Wy, a place where jackets are worn each night. I'm getting spoiled by Wy's weather.

A road trip with the one and only Joy Lewis was in order last weekend. Our destination was to Billings, Montana. I've decided Montana is the prettiest state out West. My deepest apologies to the rest of the West. Joy didn't take too many pictures, but did manage to get a picture of me almost knocking over the welcome to Montana sign. Oops. For the record it was already leaning when I got to it but I guess trying to climb it probably left it leaning a little more. My bad. While in Montana we went to a pow wow. It was quite an experience. 

Not only have I learned how to make a variety of coffees, lattes, etc BUT I can now read a map. I'm not joking, I've always been directionally challenged. I've looked at more maps this summer and attempted to figure out which direction is correct. I'm improving. Success.

"You're 23? Well you're about to be an old maid."
Quote of the week from an older man who came into the coffee shop. He wasn't joking.

1 comment:

  1. That's okay. One time my great-grandmother told me I should get out in the "courtin' " world if I wanted a husband. I was 10.

    Montana was the most beautiful state from the sky when we flew over the US on our way to China. I bet it's pretty awesome on the ground too :)
