Sunday, May 22, 2011

Santa vs Outlaw Jesse James

In my 23 years of life I've never been skiing or snowboarding or even seen more than 6 inches of snow. But yesterday I gave snow shoeing a go. I'll be honest I didn't get very far. I went with a friend of Joy's who was very patient with the girl who until yesterday didn't know what real snow was or what high altitude felt like. I'm looking forward to giving it another go, I think the next time I'll understand what snow shoeing really means.

After snow shoeing the expedition to find Outlaw Canyon began. The drive to Outlaw Canyon looks like something right out of Lonesome Dove. The wind was a bit strong that day and when I say bit when we stepped out of the jeep the wind almost knocked us over. The wind was so strong that the rain was going sideways and felt like rocks hitting my face. Regardless we hiked down into the canyon. It was awesome and I will have to go again.

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